
Emre Özel, PhD

Dr. Emre Özel is the founder and managing director of RespubLit. His expertise lies in science management and research governence. He has spent much of his career managing research evaluation and peer review processes at regional, national and European levels. Prior to taking up his role at RespubLit in 2019, He has worked at the European Science Foundation (ESF) and participated in major peer review and research assessment missions. 

He holds a PhD degree in economics and human rights from the University of Strasbourg. His research interests include economics of science and innovation, history of economic thought and philosophy of human rights. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the GIGA project (Gender bias In Grant Allocation) funded by ANR PRC Grant at the University of Strasbourg. The purpose of this study is to gain new insights into the impact of gender bias on research funding mechanisms at both applicant and evaluator (referee and panel) level, and to explore the role played by confounding factors (i.e. career, scientific productivity, network and novelty) in the allocation of grants. 

Emre is supporter of open science and free software. He develops research evaluation databases for research purposes. He is enthusiastic about study of research governance and related topics such as science communication and science and technology studies (STS). 
